Merimbula Big Game & Lakes Angling Club Inc.
Established in 1936, MBGLAC is a family orientated fishing club with about 200 members, including Small Fry (up to and including 10 years as at 1st July) and is active in big game, estuary, beach and bottom bouncing. We prioritise the education our Juniors (up to and including 15 years as at 1st July) and Small Fry in the ethics of fishing/angling, sustainability and catch and release methods.
Our Membership and Fishing Year commences 1st June and concludes 31st May
On this site, you will find information regarding Committee Members with their phone numbers. You are welcome to contact any of them for assistance on club matters.
During the year we conduct a number of major fishing events. The Merimbula March Marlin, The Open Yellowfin & Southern Bluefin Tuna and Broardbill game fishing tournament in June, the Gala Fishing Weekend and annual “Monster Fresh Fish” auction, the Tri-Estuary Challenge, the Dusky Challenge and the Snapper Classic. Dates and details of these are listed on this site.
Located in our Clubrooms is the “Lakeview Hotel Trophy Board” listing all the fish for the Club’s fishing year being 1st June to 31st May that have been “measured” on a DPI brag mat, the length photographed from tip of head to tip of tail, exactly as fish lengths are measured to suit DPI fish length rules. By checking the Lakeview Trophy board on this website, you can see how your fish compare to those submitted by other members . From this board also, the annual Club trophies are determined.
Lakeview Trophy Board
The Lakeview Trophy Board is updated monthly showing fish entries in each eligible species category. Showing the largest fish to the smallest fish with in the 1-10 scale.
Catch and Release
The following 4 fish species as per the Clubs Eligible Species List are deemed as catch and release -Bass, Bream, Dusky Flathead and Estuary Perch.
Activities during the year include major events such as the Club’s annual Members Presentation Dinner, the annual Seafood dinner night, the annual fishing “Grudge Match” against Pambula, Eden and Wolumla Fishing Clubs, the family recreation and fishing trip away involving the Mex Williams Memorial Fishing Competition, a family Christmas Party and guest speakers to keep us informed. We also conduct DPI Fisheries NSW Fish Care “Learn to Fish” courses and a Shimano Kids Fish Fest. Again these are listed on this site.
The bar is open from 6.30pm every Friday night and visitors are most welcome to come and enjoy the ambience.
Every Friday night, there is an up to date fishing report. Why not come along and find out where the fish are biting and what has been caught, through the week.
If you have any questions about the club or its activities, just ask one of the Committee or club members, that are present on a Friday night or contact us.
See you at the Club.
Merimbula Big Game & Lakes Angling Club