Merimbula Lakeview Trophy Board
2024 – 2025 Lakeview Annual Fishing Trophies and
Our Club has a long history in rewarding our members for their fishing success.
Since our formation in 1936, our practices have evolved with the times, reflecting our social, environmental and sustainability practices as responsible anglers.
We are very fortunate to have access to a full range of fishing opportunities from Game Fishing, Bottom Bouncing Ocean Fishing, Onshore and Estuary and Beach Fishing and Freshwater Stream and Lakes. Our annual trophies celebrate members who demonstrate an ability to embrace these opportunities.
Our Club encourages catch and release and we only accept length measurement for most species. We participate in the NSWDPI tagging program for game fish and in relation to Bream, Dusky Flathead, Estuary Perch and Bass, we require these species to be released for a Capture Slip to be accepted. We are not restricting your decision to keep any of these, but if it’s a record fish then we believe they deserve to be released to help the sustainability of these iconic species.
To encourage members to target these awards the Club provides monthly updates on the Web for each of the Club’s species. In the Clubrooms you will find a tally board that will be updated weekly where practical.
Annual Trophies and Awards
The following lists the annual trophies and awards. Where indicated the Club has a Perpetual Trophy (PT) for the award.
Rewards for all other prizes will be determined by the Committee and published as early as practical after completion of the Angling Year.
Club Awards
Club Champion – PT
Male Open Champion – PT
Female Open Champion – PT
Junior Open Champion – PT
Small Fry Open Champion – PT
Lake and Beach Champion – PT
Shore Based Champion – PT
Species Champions
Small Fry
Game Fish Awards
1st Line Class Yellowfin Tuna over 25kg – PT
Heaviest Marlin – PT
Heaviest Yellowfin Tuna – PT
Heaviest Shark – PT
Heaviest other Game fish – PT
Highest Point Score T&R Male
Highest Point Score T&R Female
Highest Point Score T&R Junior
Highest Point Score T&R Small Fry
Highest Point Score T&R Boat
Highest Point Score Capture Male
Highest Point Score Capture Female
Highest Point Score Capture Junior
Highest Point Score Capture Boat
Angling Times
Other than for the Club Champion all awards and trophies can be fished for 365 days of the year including during Club Events.
Fishing for the Club Champion Trophy is limited to Club Events and all weekends of the year, commencing at first light Saturday morning through to last light Sunday afternoon and Public Holidays.
The species that contribute to these awards are listed on the annually updated Eligible Species List (May 2022).
All DPI and NSW GFA Regulations apply as applicable to all eligible fish captures.
Please make yourself aware of closed seasons for applicable species.
MBGLAC Boundaries
The following boundaries apply to all fish captures, members wish to submit for our MBGLAC Annual Awards and Trophies.
Saltwater and estuarine boundaries are:
All areas between Goalen Head to the North (360 33”S) and the Southern-most point of Disaster Bay to the South (370 19”S)
NSW Game Fishing Association Australia Boundaries
Members who wish to submit fish captures for NSW GFA State and Southern Zone awards that have been captured outside the MBGLAC Boundary should note that the NSW Awards boundary is all waters off the coast of NSW and Southern Zone boundary is Stanwell Point to Victorian border.
Freshwater boundaries are:
Eucumbene, Jindabyne, and Brogo Dams including all tributaries flowing into or from them, Tantangara Dam and all tributaries flowing into the dam, and all fresh water rivers creeks and billabongs within the Bega Valley Shire. The Snowy River downstream from the Jindabyne dam wall and its tributaries may only be fished within the state of New South Wales. Private dams are excluded.
Saltwater, estuarine and freshwater waters being fished by members whilst representing the MBGLAC in a Tournament or Fishing Competition facilitated by Fishing Clubs within Southern NSW. Check with Committee when you register for eligibility.
Submitting a Capture
Non Game Fish Species
A member who wishes to submit a fish for an award is required to take a photograph of the fish on the DPI Brag Mat, complete a Fish Capture Slip either hard copy or submit directly through the portal on the MBGLAC Web Site.
Measurements are from the tip of the nose to the tip of the tail, as used by the DPI for minimum length measurements.
To be eligible for the Trophy Board the following species are catch & release only; Bream, Dusky Flathead, Estuary Perch and Bass. These species are to be released after photographing on the DPI brag mat.
For fish over the 1200mm (length of the DPI Brag Mat), members must use either a second DPI Brag Mat or the Yellow Tape Measure (available at the club) to provide photographic evidence of the length of fish entered.
All length measurements are verified by the Recorder (based on photograph supplied) before being logged, and adjustments to length may be made by the Recorder who will notify Members of the adjustment. Members can appeal the adjustment via an email to the Committee at
Game Fish Species
A member who wishes to submit a game fish for an award is required to take a photograph of the weigh slip or the tag card, complete a Fish Capture Slip either hard copy or submit directly through the portal on the MBGLAC Web Site.
GFA affiliated members should also be cognisant of the annual NSW Southern Zone and NSW Trophies which members can fish for through out the year.
Southern Zone awards are principally for fish captured on a Zone Weekend and Sanctioned Tournaments within Southern Zone waters, and the NSW Interclub. These captures / tags need to be reported to NSWGFA by the 14th day of the following month, so it is strongly recommended that all game fish captures/tags are photographed and submitted to the Recorder within 12 days to ensure that reports up to Southern Zone include your fish. This includes any captures / tags during sanctioned tournaments.
NSWGFA Trophies can be fished for through out the year and will be reported to NSWGFA annually. These captures / tags can take place in all NSW coastal waters
All GFA affiliated Members are encouraged to report their captures of game fish outside of our club boundary to the recorder to ensure they are reported up to the relevant body.
Time to Lodge Capture Slips
Completed and witnessed Capture slips, or capture details and photograph entered via the Clubs Website, must be lodged with the club within fourteen (14) days of the capture. Failure to lodge the catch slip or enter via the Website within the laid down time frame will disqualify the catch.
Angling Rules
All DPI and NSW GFA angling rules apply as applicable to each species.
Please note that the GFA mandates the use of Circle Hooks for all bait fishing for game fish.
We also strongly recommend that you use Circle Hooks for all other species when bait fishing and you propose to release the fish.
Determining the Awards
For the Club Awards
For non game fish species, awards are determined on the basis of length. The 10 largest fish of each species will be logged and updated monthly during the year. Our Recorder will log for Male, Female, Junior and Small Fry.
For game fish species, awards are determined by the quantity of fish caught by an angler, either weighed or tag and released.
For the Deep Water species, anglers will be rewarded for targeting as many of the eligible species with points that include a degree of difficulty (DoD). The angler who has accrued the highest points in this species will be rewarded with 10 points towards the annual trophies, second highest 9 points and so on. Only one fish of the following will be allowed on the board per angler.
Species |
DoD |
Species |
DoD |
Gemfish |
1 |
Bass Groper |
4 |
Sea Perch >30cm |
1 |
Blue Grenadier |
4 |
Ling |
2 |
Alfonzino |
4 |
Blue Eye |
3 |
Broadbill |
25 |
Hapuka |
3 |
Our Recorder will also keep an additional log for species caught during an Event, on the Weekends or Beach Estuary and Shore based.
Count back will apply for all awards where a tie exists. The first member who obtains the length or quantity of fish scores higher.
Species awards will be awarded to the Champion Angler, Runner Up Angler and Third Place Angler.
For determining the annual trophies each non game fish species shall have assigned points from 10 to 1, 10 being for the longest fish to 1 for the 10th longest submitted. Where a member has achieved multiple fish in a species only the highest score will be used for the aggregate calculation.
For game fish species, each species shall have assigned points from 10 for the highest quantity to 1 for the 10th highest quantity.
For the Annual Open: Male, Female, junior and Small Fry Champions a members score is determined by the aggregate of all that members scores across all species caught during the year.
For determining the Club Champion, only species captured on a weekend, commencing at first light Saturday morning through to last light Sunday afternoon or during an organised club event or tournament, and caught in compliance with the Events Rules of the Day shall be used for the aggregate score for this trophy.
The Lake and Beach annual trophy is determined as above for species caught during the year either in our lakes, estuaries or on the beach.
The Shore Based annual trophy is determined as above but only for species caught during the year, land based inclusive of rock fishing (ie. not out of a boat).
Game Fish Awards
Game Fish awards based on Point Score will be determined by using the applicable NSWGFA regulations. All relevant game fish reported by members during the year will aggregated to the relevant game fish awards.
Club Records
Throughout our Clubrooms you will find Record Boards that have been established to celebrate notable captures of species.
There are also record boards for each specie. Should you be lucky enough to exceed the current record, your name will be added to the board and engraved into the history of our great Club.
Updated May 2022