Fishing Report week 5, February 2, 2025

The outside sand and tiger flathead fishing is still fishing well.

Merrily Bell caught this beautiful 710mm dusky flathead at Mogareeka last weekend. The fish was released for someone else to catch.

The outside sand and tiger flathead fishing is still fishing well.  The best depths over the last week have been between 35 and 45 metres, with fish ranging from 40 to 60 ce3ntimetres.  The areas to fish are from Tathra Point back to Long Point.  There are also a few nice fish being caught in shallower, but there are also plenty of undersized flathead there as well.  Turingal Point to Bournda Island, in 25 to 30 metres, is a good area to try if the wind gets up early and affects the deeper water fishing.  I haven’t heard much on the flying gurnard and gummy sharks lately, but I am sure there are a few being caught in the mix.

The reefs are fishing okay.  They have slowed up a bit from previous weeks.  The snapper are still patchy, with plenty of small to pan size snapper being caught.  There are also a mixed bag of nannygai, red rock cod, morwong, sargent baker and other reef species being caught in our local reefs at Long Point, Haycock and Leonard’s Island.  Fresh bait is key for plenty of bites and lures for those that know.

The surf fishing has been excellent over the last week, with plenty of salmon and odd tailor being caught on local beaches.  I had reports from Tura Beach at the bottom of Tura Beach Drive this week of salmon from 50 to over 70 centimetres in length.  Their bait of choice was blue bait and they were catching a dozen fish each trip.  Any beach with gutters and sand banks should have salmon on them on the rising tide.  I also got reports of salmon being caught on Tathra Beach near the river mouth and also in the river itself.  They are also biting on the Tathra Wharf.

Our estuaries are also fishing very well at the moment.  Reports from the Bega River at Tathra were, plenty of bream, whiting and dusky flathead up the river and the odd estuary perch and mulloway also.  The Merimbula Lake also has good numbers of bream, whiting, blackfish and trevally below the bridge on a falling tide.  In the Top Lake on a rising tide they’re catching dusky flathead, trevally, tailor and odd mulloway.  I haven’t heard anything from the Pambula Lake system, but I’m sure it’s fishing the same.  Bait fisherman are using fresh nippers and the lure fishermen are using wrigglers or paddle tails 80 – 125 millimetres. 

The local game fishing is being controlled by our weather at the moment.  There are not many good fishable days with all this wind we have been having.  The fish are there, it’s just getting out there on the better days.  Las Wednesday was a great day and the Merimbula Club had two striped marlin weighed in.  One to junior, Jackson Lee, weighing 84Kg and the other to small fry, Noah Walker, weighing 70kg.  That’s a first for those boys, so congratulations.  Saturday was the next weather window and I heard of two more marlin caught, one being tagged and not sure on the second.  I understand the marlin have been on the surface feeding on small bait schools and there have been plenty of sharks present also.  The water is around that 22 degree mark, but further north, it’s warmer and that’s where the dolphin fish seem to be at the moment.  However, the warmer water will push down eventually.

The Merimbula Big Game and Lakes Angling Club drew its Monster Raffle over the weekend and the winners were:

1st – Hobie Kayak – Doug Hall – Bairnsdale

2nd – Merida Mountain Track Bike – Dave Mifsod – Traralgon

3rd – Engel 2-way Fridge Freezer – Phoebe Atkins – Beaumaris

4th – Weber Baby Q Premium BBQ – Nicole Straight – Tura Beach

The recording of the live draw is on our Facebook page if you would like to view the drawing.  Thank you to everyone who supported our Monster Raffle as all proceeds go to maintaining community assets for all to enjoy.

The MBGLAC club rooms are open every Friday night from 6pm.  Come on down and catch up with the locals and also the week’s fishing reports, enjoy a cold bevvy, and support our weekly raffle with some great prizes.

Till next week

Fishy Fellow

Fishing Report week 4, January 26, 2025

 Anglers are only getting a couple of fishable days outside each week.

Alex Bell, showing off a nice estuary perch caught in a local estuary over the holidays.

The wind is still the controlling factor to our outside fishing.  Anglers are only getting a couple of fishable days outside each week.  Over the Australia Day weekend the weather was great for the most part.  The outside flathead were being caught in depths from 30 to 55 metres, the better catches were still in that 40 metre depth.  The sand and tiger flathead are ranging from 40 to over 50 centimetres.  There are also a few flying gurnard and gummy sharks in the mix.

The reefs have been still producing a mixed bag of species including morwong, nannygai and leatherjackets.  The snapper are on the small side, with many undersize.  There have been a few bonito caught over the reefy areas off Long Point and Haycock, trolling bibbed lures around 100 to 150mm long, targeting the headlands and structure points will hopefully find a couple.  You might find a few salmon also.

The surf fishing has been good.  There have been good numbers of salmon being caught on most beaches from Tathra river mouth down to the Pinnacles.  There was a very large school on Tura Beach last week for a few days, but I heard they moved off Long Point, but were hugging the rocks and spread over 500 metres around the point over the Australia Day weekend.  There have also been a couple of mulloway caught along the Tathra Beach.  Whole pilchards as bait and 25 gram lures are catching these fish.

Our lakes are still producing a good feed of bream, whiting, blackfish, dusky flathead and tailor.  The Merimbula front lake, Bega River at Tathra and Pambula Lake are all worth a go at the moment.  Fresh nippers are the best bait, but some small live prawns will be just as good.  With that the prawns are running this week, so charge your lights up and as soon as it’s dark, it’s time.

The game fishing is happening but the weather is not playing the game for us.  Saturday was a good day and a few local boats ventured out.  The reports I received were that there was good quantities of bait to the south of the Merimbula Canyons.  It was on the shelf, so that 100 fathom line.  Odd marlin came up to trolled lures, but they weren’t keen and disappeared.  The water is around 22 degrees and the current is slow.  At Bermagui over the weekend, there were quite a lot of marlin tagged, dolphin fish caught and 2 yellowfin tuna, around 40 kg.  These fish were Saturday’s fish caught in the Blue Water Classic fishing competition, so that water is on the way down to us.

The Merimbula Big Game and Lakes Angling Club is open every Friday night, opening at 6pm.  Come on down to the club rooms at Spencer Park, Merimbula and meet the locals.  Support our weekly raffle, sponsored by Goodalls Butchers and Bar Beach Kiosk, catch up on the week’s fishing reports and enjoy a cold beverage with beautiful views over the lake.  Information is now available on our website and on our socials about upcoming events. The Dusky Challenge in February and the members social event, Brogo Big Bass, the weekend at the end of February, beginning of March.  Check out for details, or become a member of the club.  

See you at the club.

Fishy Fellow

Fishing Report week 3, January 19, 2025

After a week of large, unsettled seas and not much fishing out at sea

On holidays in Merimbula, Manny caught this lovely dusky flathead fishing on the MBGLAC’s jetty at Spencer Park on the weekend.

After a week of large, unsettled seas and not much fishing out at sea, with winds stopping most people from even fishing in the estuaries, this week the weather is looking pretty good for most of the week.

The ocean flathead on Monday last week, before the weather came in, was very good.  The sand and tiger flathead were in good numbers in 40 metres of water, from Tura Heads back to Long Point.  Flathead to 50 centimetres were a consistent capture as well as the odd gummy shark.  The water temperature inshore is around 22 degrees on the surface and it’s looking like a cooler current is coming around Green Cape, around 19 degrees underneath.  So, there might be a chance of a few more gummy sharks over this week.

The reefs also fished okay on Monday with a few pan sized snapper, morwong, nannygai and a selection of other reef species.  The squid also turned up in numbers around Haycock Point, Tura Heads and Long Point.

The beach fishing improved last week with the increased seas.  Catches of salmon and tailor were caught at Quandolo and Haycock beaches and Tathra Beach near the river mouth.  They were catching salmon and an occasional mulloway.  The best baits were pilchards and surf poppers.

The estuaries are still fishing well.  The Merimbula front lake has good numbers of bream, dusky flathead, blackfish and whiting.  The cover photo of Manny, who caught that dusky flathead, also caught a bream off the Spencer Park jetty.  The Top Lake at Merimbula has good numbers of dusky flathead, tailor, trevally and mulloway being caught on the rising tide.  The Bega River at Tathra has good numbers of bream being caught around the bridge.  Mulloway and a few dusky flathead and estuary perch are being caught around the rock walls up the river system.

There is nothing to report on the game fishing scene due to the bad weather of late, but the water temperature is perfect on the shelf, so hopefully, this week’s weather will allow the boats to get back out to fish.

The Merimbula Big Game and Lakes Angling Club is open every Friday night from 6pm.  Come on down and enjoy a cold beverage, support our weekly raffles sponsored by Goodall’s Butchers and our new sponsor, Bar Beach Kiosk.  Thanks guys.  Catch up on the week’s fishing reports and meet the locals.  Lookout for club members who will be cooking up a storm again on Australia Day, 26th January in Spencer Park where you can grab a sausage sanga, Zooper Dooper or cold drink.  It is also your last chance to grab your tickets in our Monster Raffle that will be drawn on 2nd February at 3.30pm at the club.  There are great prizes to be won, the Hobie kayak, Merida Mountain Track bike, Engel fridge/freezer and Weber Premium Baby Q.  Upcoming events being run by the club include the Dusky Challenge, February 15th and 16th, Brogo Big Bass social event for members, 28th Feb to March 2nd,  and Family Game fishing workshop 23rd February. Check out the details for these events and more on our website at 

Till next week. 

Fishy Fellow

Fishing Report week 2 January 12 2025

Fishing over the last week has been pretty good but the weather for outside fishing has been unsettled.

Some of the Merimbula Club members hard at work selling Monster Raffle tickets at the Pambula Market on Sunday.  Raffle to be drawn on February 2nd at 3pm in the MBGLAC clubrooms at Spencer Park.

Fishing over the last week has been pretty good but the weather for outside fishing has been unsettled.  The southerly winds and the northerly ocean currents have left the ocean very unsettled and now the wind is back to the north east, the sea is still very joggle-y.  However, the boats are still heading out into the inshore fishing grounds.  The sand and tiger flathead have been biting off Bournda Island back to Long Point.  The best depths have been 30 metres out to 45 metres with the flathead ranging around 38 to 42 centimetres.  Fresh fish baits are best to catch these fish.  Baits like slimy mackerel, salmon, yellowtail and mullet are good choices.  There is also a chance of catching an occasional flying gurnard and an odd gummy shark if you’re lucky.  The water inshore is a bit warm for these species, with it hovering around 21 degrees Celsius.

The reefs have been a bit choppy with the unsettled weather, but those that are trying have been catching a few pan sized snapper and morwong and a mixed bag of nannygai, leatherjackets and other reef species.  I also heard of a few squid being caught around the Haycock Point area.  Pilchards and fresh squid have been the stand out baits on the reefs.

The surf fishing has been a bit quiet over the last week, but I did hear of a small school of salmon up the northern end of Tura Beach.  I also heard of a few whiting being caught on Main Beach, Merimbula and also the odd legal length sand flathead being caught in the gutters on the rising tide.  There is a bit of weed out the back of some of the gutters, so check it out before setting up.  The whiting are eating beach worms and the flathead are eating white bait.

The Merimbula Lake is fishing very well with a lot of bream, trevally and whiting in the channels around 35 centimetres long.  The Top Lake has tailor, dusky flathead and trevally being caught around the weed edges.  There has also been good numbers of blue swimmer crabs being caught in the Top Lake.  Pambula Lake is also fishing well with dusky flathead, bream, whiting and trevally being caught.  The Bega River at Tathra has dusky flathead, whiting, mulloway and a few estuary perch being caught.  Nippers as bait is a good choice at the moment.  With all the boat movement and clear water in the estuary systems, fish are a bit spooky.  I fished the Short Point back lake one morning last week for 5 dusky flathead averaging 40 centimetres and one bream around 30 centimetres.  It is somewhere to escape the north east winds to have a fish.

The game fishing looks pretty good out wide at the moment when the conditions allow.  The water temperature is around 23 degrees.  There is a bit of current and I heard the bait is pretty thin.  Miss Behavin tagged 1 striped marlin early in the week, but the weather is the controlling factor at the moment.

The Merimbula Big Game and Lakes Club room is open every Friday night, opening at 6pm.  Come on down and enjoy a cold bevvy, catch up on the week’s fishing reports from fellow fishos and support the weekly meat raffle, sponsored by Goodalls Butchers.  Everyone is welcome.  Hope to see you there.

Fishy Fellow

Fishing Report week 1 January 5 2025

Well, here we are in 2025 and the fishing is great on most fronts.

Lachlan Wilkins with a nice dusky flathead caught in the Merimbula Top Lake over the weekend.

Well, here we are in 2025 and the fishing is great on most fronts, but the constant windy conditions is the only dampener.  So, an early start and early home is in order.

The outside flathead fishing is still very good, but it can be patchy.  The flathead this week have been caught off Bournda Island, Tura Heads and off Tura Beach.  They’re biting in a variety of depths, ranging from 30 metres, out to 50 metres.  I’ve had good reports from 40 metres just north of Tura Heads with fish averaging 40 centimetres in length.  I also got a report of a great catch of fish coming from 30 metres, off Bournda Beach and those fish were up to 45 centimetres in length.  There has also been plenty of slimy mackerel schools rippling off the surface in the flathead grounds which is great bait fresh if you can catch a few.

The reefs have still been fishing pretty well and with the big high tides, the snapper have been biting very well with fish to 40 plus centimetres.  There are also morwong and an array of other reef species being caught.  Fresh bait is best, so if you can troll a salmon up from around a headland or catch some squid prior to fishing, it should give you the advantage.

The surf fishing is a bit slower.  There are still salmon patrolling the beaches, but not the big schools like we had.  The lack of waves on some beaches is not helping things, but fishing with some beach worms using a running sinker rig, with a number 4 long shanked hook, you have a good chance of catching whiting, bream and still salmon.  Fish in the gutters at the start of the rising tide in the early mornings and at dusk.  Also try beside the rocks and headland ends of the beaches.

The lakes and estuaries are still producing good numbers of fish, with trevally, bream, whiting, dusky flathead, blackfish and the odd jewfish being caught in Pambula Lake and River, Merimbula front and Top Lake and Tathra’s Bega River.  Lures and baits such as nippers are your best chance of catching a feed.  For lures you’ll need a 3/8 head with a 2/0 or 3/0 hook and try some 80mm paddle tails in black/silver, black/gold or plastics with white bellies.

The game fishing has been very good out wide on the shelf.  Unfortunately the wind has made it difficult for our local boats to get out there.  The water temperature is around that 22 degree mark and the best areas are just north of Merimbula to North of Tathra.  Bait has been patchy but trolling from 70 fathoms with a spread of lures and bait jigs ready in case you cross paths with some bait down below is the way to go. 

The weather is the enemy, not giving many fishable days per week. The Merimbula Big Game and Lakes Angling Club is open every Friday night, opening at 6pm.  Come on down and catch up on the week’s fishing reports, support our raffle, sponsored by Goodalls Butchers, enjoy a cold bevvy and chat with the locals.  This month’s monthly species is Ocean Flathead.

Our next club event is the Dusky Challenge on February 15th and 16th.  Keep an eye out for our members selling the Monster Raffle tickets at Woolworths Tura Beach on Wednesday and Friday this week.  We appreciate your support with our major fundraiser for the year.  Till next week.

Fishy Fellow

Fishing Report week 52.5 December 29 2024

Nearly New Year’s Eve, and with that, the last fishing report for 2024.

Sarah Mayberry with a nice sand flathead caught Monday morning on Cassie out off Tura Point.

Nearly New Year’s Eve, and with that, the last fishing report for 2024.

Our ocean flathead grounds are still fishing very well with good numbers of sand and tiger flathead being caught from Bournda Island back to Long Point, Merimbula. The best depths are still around that 45 metre mark.  The flathead are averaging 36 to 48 centimetres, which are quality fish.  The flathead have also been a bit patchy, so if you find a good patch, do short drifts over that area.  There are also a odd flying gurnard and gummy sharks mixed in with the catch.  We went out today, Monday, and there were a lot of patches of slimy mackerel on the surface and we managed to get a few for fresh bait.  You do have to get out early to beat the wind. Water temperature inshore is around 19.5 degrees.

The reefs are fishing pretty well also, with some quality sized snapper averaging 40 plus centimetres and also morwong up to 50 centimetres.  A bit of burley on a rising tide might be in order, but be ready for the tax man to show up as the water is pretty warm.

The surf fishing has been ok with salmon and odd tailor being caught on Tura Beach in the early mornings.  There are large morning high tides currently, which have produced a few salmon on baits and lures. Merimbula’s Main Beach also has a few salmon, odd bream and whiting being caught on beach worms early and late daily.

Our lakes are fishing very well of late.  There are plenty of bream, blackfish, and whiting being caught in the Merimbula front lake and trevally, dusky flathead, odd tailor and mulloway and the occasional kingfish, being caught up the top lake.  Pambula Lake is much the same with some nice duskies, trevally and occasional bream being caught on fresh nippers and lures.  The Bega River is a bit slower but they’re still catching some large duskies and odd jewfish around the bridge and in the deeper holes.  Just remember that any dusky flathead 70cm or larger must be released.

The local gamefishing is still happening, unfortunately the windy weather is impacting the time you can spend on the shelf.  There is bait around 70 to 80 fathoms.  It can be patchy, but when you do find it, get some baits down as the marlin could be there.  They are taking lures, but the hook up rate is pretty poor. Water temperature on the shelf has been around 21 degrees.

MBGLAC clubrooms are open on Wednesday night for New Year’s Eve from 7pm.  Bring your own nibbles/finger food.  We will also be open again on Friday night from 6.00pm.  Members and visitors are welcome.  Come in, relax, enjoy the views of Merimbula Lake while enjoying a beverage or two and hear what fish are biting and where.  Support our meat raffle, sponsored by Goodalls Butchers.  There will also be a sausage sizzle at Spencer Park from 11am on Saturday 4th January.  Tickets in our Monster Raffle will be available along with a sausage and onion in bread, soft drinks and water.  Monster raffle tickets are also being sold at Woolworths at Tura Beach a few days a week if you would like to support the club to maintain community assets such as the Spencer Park jetty and the fish cleaning pontoon, which is very close to being put back in the water at Bar Beach.

Fishy Fellow